meet The team
Project Manager. Mostly responsible for the general management and organisation of the group along with the ending backgrounds. Is also responsible for the implementation of a majority of the game's art assets. He specialises in 3D Environment Art but has branched out into other aspects of development to assist other group members.
3D Character and Creature Artist. Responsible for all of the enemy models in the game so far. A Blender enthusiast, he specializes in 3D character modelling, but also likes to experiment with VFX and Sculpting, among other areas, in his spare time.
2D Artist, Concept Artist and Environment Artist. Responsible for debate sprites of the Chice, Laughing Cat and Tall bird. As well as all of the background art. She Specialises in Concept Art for creatures but is more than capable of creating characters and environments.
Lead Designer and Programmer. Primarily responsible for the rhythm mechanic and the player's turn minigames. Is also responsible for a number of smaller mechanics such as the save system. He specialises in mechanic design but is mainly involved in programming because of his experience in working on 2D games.
Lead Programmer. Responsible for the Debate and Narrative systems along with numerous other systems and mechanics. He specialises in the programming of User Interfaces and has been heavily involved in this area of development.
Lead UI Artist. Responsible for all of the User Interface art as well as the Overworld sprites and animations for the Protagonist. He specialises in character art but has moved to UI art to speed this area of development up.